Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Mammoth Cave

Looking forward to our first long trip with our new RV, Bucket Quest! Join us starting June 4th as we head off to Mammoth Cave National park, NOLA, Houston, Hot Springs, and a final stop in Casey Il.
Here’s our route for this adventure.

June 2nd: Well, packing of Bucket Quest continues. It’s funny but being new to us, everything is different so we are having to learn all over again where everything should go etc. All that being said, excitement is growing anticipating departure Friday AM.
June 4th: Up early and doing some last minute packing. Bucket quest is all ready to go and fully gassed up. Now some coffee and hooking up the Jeep (now named Jeep Jeep) and we should be good to go. First stop Jelly Stone park Mammoth Caves Ky.

June 5th: Well that was a long day of driving. But we are at our first stop, Yogi Bears Jellystone RV park here in Cave City Ky. Really nice RV campground and staff are super friendly. Today we are doing a cave tour at Mammoth Cave national park. I‘ll post more tonight.

Great day today as we went into Mammoth caves via the historic entrance. First thing you notice is how cool the temperature is. It stays in the 50s all year round. Here are just a few of the pictures Jan and I took.
After the visit to the Park and Caves, we went to a little safari camp run by an Amish family. It was small but still fun.
We also checked out the ruins of an old tavern that were cool.
Tomorrow we will explore some history as we go see the Lincoln museum and birthplace with a stop at Fort Williams to see the old fort and civil war battle ground.
June 6th: Today was all about history. And in particular the history surrounding our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln. We went over to his birthplace which is nearby to us here in Kentucky. It is now part of the national park system and it was really an interesting place. Most of us know of his later life and that he was elected from Springfield Illinois. And I, like many of you, have heard the story of his being born in a log cabin, but I really did not know that the log cabin was here in Kentucky! Anyway it was a great day of learning more about his early days. Ended the day at the Lincoln museum and a drive to Fort Williams.
Pictures by Jan.
And from the museum:
Tomorrow back to the caves to see the “Frozen Niagara”
June 7th: I can’t get over how beautiful this part of Kentucky is. Today we got to go back to Mammoth cave national park and explore a cave they call the frozen Niagara due to the formations. It was stunning. I know the pictures Jan an I took are cool, but it does not do it credit. We also got a chance to do 4 trails through the park to really get a chance to see the beauty of these parks. If you get a chance, visit a national park. Until then I hope you enjoy the pictures and the videos that I’ll eventually post.
Tomorrow is a travel day as we head towards Ponchatoula Louisiana and our base camp for NOLA.

Photos by Jan D.
Please let us know what you think or any suggestions by emailing us at bucketquest@ddsi.com or click the button below.